SSC News

Southern States Chemical breaks ground on the new Wilmington NC plant

After six years of site searching, negotiations, engineering, and permitting the Wilmington Facility finally became a reality in 2009. The September 10th Groundbreaking ceremony marked the beginning of a new era of service, reliability, and environmental stewardship for SSC. The new 525TPD Wilmington plant will produce 2/3 less emissions and use less water than the existing 200TPD facility while also providing by-product steam which will offset carbon based fuel consumption. As the company’s new principal acid plant, SSC Wilmington will set a new standard for reliability of supply and customer service.

The new Wilmington plant is such a great addition to our “arsenal” of supply options for our customer base and solidifies and improves our existing position in the Southeast US market. It also exemplifies our long term commitment to our business and creates such a positive influence for everyone involved. It’s great to be a part of this growth opportunity.
– Key Compton, President